Friday, 7 September 2018

Benefits of Zumba

Zumba is a full body workout and it’s featuring movements inspired by the various style of Latin American dance, performed to music. It’s very famous and popular and trendy workout across the globe. It is very helpful for toning your arms and muscles, and effective in burning calories.
Zumba is a combination of salsa and aerobics dance style. There is no right and wrong way to do Zumba, As long as you move to the beats of the music, and participating in the exercise. Zumba involves entire body movements and exercise, mainly focused on your arms and shoulders to your feet so you’ll get full body workout.

Zumba builds endurance since music played during Zumba class is very fast so that you ’re body movements get very faster and you moving to the beats it can help to boost up your energy after a
 Few workouts. The study found that after 12 weeks of a Zumba program, Showed a decrease in heart rate and blood pressure.

Zumba is a group activity, so you’ll participate in it socially any time anywhere you can step into Zumba class.

Benefits of group activity include:
  • Social and fun environment.
  • Increase in flexibility.
  • Full body workout.
  • Toning your muscles.
  • Glow on your face.
  • Safe and effectively designed workout so that you can follow along with.

Some other benefits of Zumba
1.       Improved coordination:- Joining Zumba class, you’ll definitely improve your coordination, which is very important to maintain as you get older.

2.       Full body workout:-  Zumba is both a dance class and a fitness class. Zumba provides heart health benefits and workout for the whole day. From head and shoulders rolls that lose up the neck and warm up your upper body, that stretches your muscles, calves, and ankles. This fitness method can touch every muscle and joint in your body.

3.       Aerobics benefits:- Zumba is not only a fitness activity but it also an aerobic activity that feels natural to move around quickly. This will help you to exercise more, and build your endurance.

4.       Increased confidence: - Zumba is a group activity, it improves your confidence, your posture, better coordination, and you’ll feel good about yourself. These all changes will reflect directly on your mood and your appearance.

5.       Mood-boosting: - Zumba is stress-free workout it burns calories and feels refresh for the whole day. The upbeats move specifically to this type of workout favor that release of mood- improving and by joining Zumba class; you’ll surely feel fresh up yourself in music.

6.       It’s social: Zumba class can join anyone for exercising your body and boost up your energy. In Zumba class, you’ll be able to meet and interact with interesting people. You can do this exercise for two or three times per week and you will get socialize and make a lot of friends among your Zumba classmates.

Zumba is a gold program designed for beginners and for all age group of people. Zumba is a full body workout, but it’s mainly focused on your lower bodies that routines and step aerobics with music rhythms.

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