Monday, 1 January 2024

Bring a positive change in your life

Dear Readers

With you all a very Happy and Prosperous New Year 2024! 

We always wish we should be getting what we wish and get frustrated because expectations minus reality is equal to frustration.  

Friends,  the almighty has made an arrangement in us in such a way that what we want, we will get that. 

Friends,  god has given us five senses through which we are connected to the outer world. These senses get messages to us,  from the surroundings, and as per these messages, the thoughts get generated.  God gave us two minds, conscious minds, and subconscious minds. From the five senses,  the messages come to the conscious mind, and as per the message,  a thought gets generated in the conscious mind.   A particular thought or thoughts again and again getting generated in the conscious mind reach the subconscious mind.  Whatever reaches the subconscious mind,  get attracted towards us from the universe.  The god has planted a wish tree in ours in the form of the subconscious mind.  The same is called the law of attraction or the power of the subconscious mind.  

Hypnotherapy is a technique where the therapist establishes contact with the subconscious mind and gives positive suggestions or affirmations to the subconscious mind.  With this, a hypnotherapist can bring a positive change in your life. 

Thanks !

Dr Sameer Gupte



Contact #: +91 9511796093

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